Selling Original Gas Pumps

Perfectly Restored Old Gas Pumps

More and more often you can see vintage gas pumps installed in various car service centers. If you want to have this kind of decoration in your garage or your service station, take a look at the best offer at old gas pumps for sale.

We exclusively sell original gas pumps. Every pump we get is restored down to the smallest detail. All metal parts are sandblasted and painted in the original colors they were when the pump was manufactured. We send every aluminum part for polishing, as well as perform all repairs on mechanical and electrical parts.

Old Gas Pumps For Sale

At old gas pumps for sale, you can buy perfectly restored old gas pumps that were used a hundred years ago or more.

If you are just starting to build your collection, think carefully about exactly what you want to have. The variety of brands and designs of gas pumps can confuse you and make you unable to make the right decision. That’s why it’s best to learn as much as possible about all pump manufacturers, to get to know the pump models they produced, and then to make a final decision about what you want to have in your garage or yard.

The prices of old gas pumps can be very different depending on many factors such as which oil industry produced the pump, how many examples of a particular gas pump there were and a number of other factors.

To have an original gas pump, look at old gas pumps for sale, perfectly restored gas pumps that will decorate your garage or yard.