Priority 1 Canine Training

Understanding What Your Dog’s Natural Behaviors And Drives Are

Priority 1 Canine training is all about giving your dog the best possible start in life. From basic obedience to more advanced tricks and behaviors, we can help you get your pup on the right track. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly pet or a hard-working partner in crimefighting, we’ve got you covered!

Becoming a successful dog trainer involves learning some of the fundamentals of canine behavior. A key factor is understanding what your dog’s natural behavior patterns are and how these manifest in his everyday activities. Begin by observing your pup, noting what activities he enjoys and is good at, as well as those he does not like or find difficult. Knowing how your pet processes information is also important for setting the tone for any training session. Finally, think about how your own behavior influences and shapes your pup’s outlook and continue to adjust as necessary for a successful training experience for both you and Fido!

Priority 1 Canine

Training a dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences in pet ownership. By having insight into what motivates your pup, you can begin to teach them specific commands quickly and effectively. With this knowledge, you can craft a training program for the two of you that works best for both parties choosing rewards that provide the most motivation and ensuring consistently easy-to-follow directions. Not only will successful training help your canine companion better understand and respond to your requests but it will also offer a great bonding experience that enhances your relationship as well as their general socialization with other people and animals.

Training a dog can be both extremely rewarding and frustrating, but keeping in mind that dogs learn best through positive reinforcement will help you stay focused. The rewards you give them when they do something correctly don’t have to be big or complex, either. A treat here and there, along with showers of praise and verbal affection, are all great motivators for a dog learning new behaviors. Plus, the positive experience your pup has during the training itself solidifies their understanding of the behavior better than any bone or pat on the head ever could. All in all, showing your canine companion that good things come when they act in accordance with your wishes helps create a bond between you both that stands the test of time.